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On track for business growth: Marco Schmid takes on the role of Head of Ventures

Interview with Marco A. Schmid: Our new Head of Ventures on the future of AVA-X and deepico AG.

With over 20 years of experience in the IT industry, most recently as Head of Internationalisation at Swisscom, Marco will take over the strategic management of our ventures AVA-X and deepico AG from 1 September 2024. As Head of Ventures, he will drive business development and set the course for future growth. We are delighted and would like to extend a warm welcome to Marco. 

What made you decide to take on the role of Head of Ventures at Deep Impact?

This story was probably a long time in the making. Our paths had already crossed several times in the past and I had the opportunity to experience Deep Impact’s services directly as a customer in various projects. So the contact had already been established. The goals we are pursuing with the role of Head of Ventures are an ideal fit with my previous activities, my wealth of experience and my ambition to incorporate as broad a spectrum as possible into a role. However, the timing was pure coincidence.

What aspect of your new role at Deep Impact excites you the most?

Our products and services play in the top league in terms of technology and in some cases help to shape their markets. Behind them are great people who are passionate about what they do. It excites me to contribute strategically and commercially to reaching the next level on this fertile ground.

Do you see potential for major changes in the existing strategies of AVA-X and deepico AG? 

Every company is different and faces its own challenges in order to continue to grow and develop. Strategies must therefore inevitably adapt. However, an important quote in relation to strategy is: ‘Amateurs talk strategy, but professionals talk logistics. In our context, this means how we can make the biggest difference with the people, products and services we have and – as our name suggests – achieve the greatest impact.

What market opportunities would you like to develop next for our ventures?

A big focus of my work from the outset will be on tapping into new market opportunities. I see this specifically as a mix of action and groundwork. The latter means understanding the current market situation and making adjustments to segments, markets and industries in order to take the two companies where we want to go. However, action is the central principle: utilising existing momentum, increasing the frequency and drawing the necessary conclusions from practical feedback in order to be successful.

What innovative approaches would you like to bring to Deep Impact?

There is certainly no lack of innovation at Deep Impact – there is still a lot for me to learn, which I am looking forward to. What I will bring to the table is my experience from various roles in the areas of growth, internationalisation, project management and leadership.

Is there a previous project that particularly inspired you and how would you like to bring this experience to us?

There is a lot to tell, but the moments that really stand out are always characterised by people. Whether it’s the all-nighters in Formula 1 to get the car ready for the next morning, the days when we got a company back on its feet after a total failure due to a virus, or the extra mile you go – or fly – to close a deal. I think you have to like people, and that’s exactly how you gain the experience that you then bring to a new role.

Which innovation or technological development excites you the most at the moment?

Space travel, robotics, genAI – in no particular order

If you had a motto that described your professional philosophy, what would it be?

Do what is right – have the courage to do the right thing, even if it hurts sometimes.
