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Google’s AI fiasco: how Gemini is dropping the tech giant’s mask

In the shadow of digital progress, Google, once hailed as a beacon of innovation, is revealing an uncomfortable truth. With the launch of Gemini and the missteps surrounding Bard, the tech giant is stumbling from one PR disaster to the next. These incidents cast a harsh light on a deeper crisis: a battle for ethics, power and control over collective memory. Google, caught in the spider web of its own “woke” agenda, is manipulating the past while claiming to be programming for a more inclusive future.

From pioneer to pariah: Google’s AI ambitions gone astray

Google, the company that conquered the world with its search algorithms, is now facing the wreckage of its AI dreams. Bard, which started out as a beacon of hope, turned out to be a technological mirage. But with Gemini, Google slipped deeper into the mire of embarrassment, a clear sign that the company has lost touch. Where once visionaries were at work, procrastinators and tinkerers without a compass now seem to have taken the helm.

PR nightmares and the illusion of trust

Every new attempt by Google to flex its AI muscles ends in a communications fiasco. This series of embarrassments is no coincidence, but a reflection of a corporate culture that has lost itself in complacency and a distorted perception of its own infallibility. Google is desperately trying to regain the public’s trust with half-hearted explanations and excuses, but the damage is profound.

The “woke” facade and the distortion of reality

Under the guise of diversity and inclusion, Google is playing a dangerous game with reality. By reinterpreting historical facts through a “woke” filtered lens, the company is turning history into a negotiable commodity. The absurd reinterpretation of images – German soldiers from 1943 who suddenly appear as people of different ethnicities, or depictions of the Pope that lack any historical accuracy – is a mockery of the complexity of our past.

AI and the dilemma of historical truth

Google is pilloried by a society that is increasingly questioning whether technology companies should be the guardians of our history. The current strategy of rewriting historical narratives is not only an affront to the truth, but also a dangerous experiment with collective memory. AI has the potential to expand our understanding of the world, but if it is misused to politicise the past, it loses its integrity and value.

Conclusion: A call to rethink

Google may have left the path of technological enlightenment, but it is not too late for a course correction. A fundamental rethink is needed, a return to the principles of transparency, ethical responsibility and historical authenticity. AI development must be accompanied by a genuine examination of the moral and social implications instead of getting lost in an echo chamber of self-congratulation. Only then can Google regain trust and secure its place as an innovator without leaving history and truth as collateral damage.

This article first appeared on Inside IT (German only). Inside IT is a subsidiary of Deep Impact AG.
