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AVA-X’s Sentinel at the BVB stadium

An innovation project of the DFL


As part of the German Football League’s (DFL) innovation project, a proof of concept (PoC) was implemented at the BVB stadium using AVA-X’s Sentinel.

The aim was to address the challenges of accreditation and access management for part-time employees using advanced facial recognition technology.


BVB Stadium

Results of work

Research (PoC)



Innovative solution for accreditation

The implementation of Sentinel, a core AVA-X product, illustrates the transition to more efficient, secure and personalized access control in sports stadiums. By using facial recognition, Sentinel provides instant and secure identification of part-time staff, greatly simplifying the accreditation process.

Official Article DFL (PDF)

Adaptation to dynamic application requirements

Sentinel’s integration with the operations control centers enables smooth adaptation to changing access authorizations and deployment plans. This flexible approach is particularly beneficial for the dynamic and often short-term nature of football stadium events.

Sustainability and cost efficiency

As a paperless solution, Sentinel not only contributes to sustainability, but also optimizes costs by eliminating physical accreditation media. The fast and reliable facial recognition speeds up the access process and improves the security level of the stadium.

Success of the PoC and future prospects

The successful use of Sentinel as part of the DFL innovation project demonstrates the technology’s potential to overcome complex challenges in access control and accreditation. The positive results of the PoC lay the foundation for the future implementation of Sentinel in other stadiums and at other major events.

Conclusion: The project underlines AVA-X’s ability to develop efficient and secure solutions using state-of-the-art technologies such as Sentinel. This approach not only provides an answer to the specific requirements of the BVB stadium, but also sets new standards for access management in the event industry.

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